Tech in America


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Meet the next four people headed to the Moon – how the diverse crew of Artemis II shows NASA’s plan for the future of...

Wendy Whitman Cobb, Air University On April 3, 2023, NASA announced the four astronauts who will make up the crew of Artemis II, which is...

Researchers turned superglue into a recyclable, cheap, oil-free plastic alternative

Allison Christy, Boise State University and Scott Phillips, Boise State University The Research Brief is a short take about interesting academic work. The big idea Our team...

Resilient Bug-sized Robots Keep Flying Even After Wing Damage

Using the repair techniques developed by MIT researchers, this microrobot can still maintain flight-level performance even after the artificial muscles that power its wings were jabbed by 10 needles and 20 percent of one wing tip was cut off.

3D-printed Revolving Devices Can Sense How They Are Moving

A new system enables makers to incorporate sensors into gears and other rotational mechanisms with just one pass in a 3D printer. Integrating sensors into...

Voice deepfakes are calling – here’s what they are and how to avoid getting scammed

Matthew Wright, Rochester Institute of Technology and Christopher Schwartz, Rochester Institute of Technology You have just returned home after a long day at work and...


Pagers and walkie-talkies over cellphones – a security expert explains why Hezbollah went low-tech for communications

Richard Forno, University of Maryland, Baltimore County Electronic pagers across...

You want to vote in the 2024 election − here is how to make sure that your voice is heard

Amy Dacey, American University Voting will begin in many states...

A Nazi magazine regularly published manipulated photos and misinformation, long before the age of AI

Daniel H. Magilow, University of Tennessee Republican presidential candidate Donald...

With China seeking AI dominance, Taiwan’s efforts to slow neighbor’s access to advanced chips needs support from the West

Min-Yen Chiang, Georgia State University and Robert Muggah, Pontifícia...